Welcome to our adventures! Pam and I (John) have had some wonderful adventures over the years. As part of the vacation, I enjoy writing about what we are doing during the trip and that lead to sharing those stories over email with friends and family. Eventually, there were a few forwards and that lead to others asking to be added to the email chain as well as asking for previous emails so they could see what happened earlier in the adventure. While happy that people were interested, I was managing email chains when I was supposed to be on vacation. To fix that, I’ve set up this Substack site that allows everyone to have our adventure stories sent to their inbox or you can read them here on www.OutOnAnAdventure.com (if you don’t want to email).
When we are on a trip, I generally write once a day. Because all posts are rough drafts, after the trip I will go back and correct them but that won’t resend those emails. Substack says they automatically remove sites that go six months without posting so I will occasionally be posting to keep this site freshened up. Since we’ve had lots of adventures in the past, I’ll post a picture or two from those along with some explanation.
If you subscribed to the email versions of the post, you could unsubscribe at any time. The bottom of the email has link that will unsubscribe you directly. If you don’t have an email hand here are the instructions: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059788812-How-do-I-unsubscribe-from-a-free-subscription-.
Thank you so much for reading about our adventures! Now that the pandemic is subsiding a little bit, we can finally embark on our next adventure in May 2022 so subscribe now.